When I call, PLEASE don’t put me on hold to listen to an automated voice or computer generated music! My more pleasant experiences with being on hold are when the…
At a recent philharmonic concert I had the pleasure of sitting next to a gentleman in his 80′s that believed music in our lives is as important as the…
We have, what we affectionally call, our very own “bone yard” – recording machines that are not used today. Technology has moved forward fast, leaving many machines obsolete. The upside…
Singers that sing jingles are truly talented in their discipline. They are asked to communicate a message in just a few notes! Total control of vocal pitch, tone, personality and…
We recently had the pleasure of recording Gary Brandner, author of The Howling, in our studios. He was being interviewed (and recorded) for the commentary portion of the new…
We are often asked if study at an institution of higher education is a prerequisite to succeed in the music industry. In our opinion, ALL study is required to succeed…
At recent musical events, be it the Reno Chamber Orchestra, Reno Philharmonic or a recent Yes rock concert, I found myself first noting the visual. My discipline of study is…
Here at Tanglewood we strive to give the message, A VOICE! Of course, authors deliver their message in print but we help them take their artistry one step further.…
I had an interesting talk with a friend the other day about “sales.” We were discussing the negative impressions that come to mind when you imagine the slick car salesman…
It was great fun to work with Bella Hristova in our Tanglewood Camera studio. It was also revealing how the various art forms came together allowing us to…